Saturday, June 17, 2006

Today's Chit Chat

So today is going to be quite the interesting day. The dh (jess) has brought his dad over with the idea that they are going to have a wall constructed in our basement that will separate the kids play room from our home office. What makes this interesting is the fact that they are planning to have it constructed by 5:00 this evening. is 11:00 now, and they are off at the home depot to get their supplies. They left about 2 hours ago and are like most men im sure...lost in the aisles and looking at every tool that has absolutley nothing to do with the job they are to be doing and having a great time. I'm sooooo dreading the mess they are going to make, hehehe. (which i soooo won't be cleaning up!!) So my day will consist of much laughing at the 2 of them i'm sure in between playing on my computer!!
I'm so sad! I hopped over to Carrie Stephens site Fishscraps today (think she is awesome) to buy her duo combo of quick pages she made, and kit that goes with it that is on sale...then i find out she only takes paypal :( I had to cut up my card i was using for paypal in order to meet the mortgage requirements when we moved a few months ago, so im totally out of luck. sigh. She makes such awesome stuff im going to have to get a new card for that pay pal soon!!!!! I never paid that much attention to how many sites just accept paypal before, having always had it. I do hope there is not many or my shopping online days will be limited for the next little while. Jesse will be happy about that, lol!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog rocks, Jane! And YES, you NEED Paypal!!

Too funny about the guys, but that's how it goes with men, ya know?!! ROFL