Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday Morning Chit Chat

okay, so of course i'm going to be over blogging for the first little're just gonna have to bear with me. So my day so far has been pretty uneventful. I sent Jess out golfing with my dad....mainly cuz i hadn't gotten him a father's day present yet, and that makes him think i'm doing something nice for him today...and also cuz it would give me time to scrap, and maybe even go shopping if the babe wakes up in time. Unfortunately there was no scrapping for me......well there was, but no productive scrapping. I am really getting sick and tired of my darn dip closing down on me everytime i go to save my layout!!! I worked for about 2 hours on a layout of brooke, and when i went to save it, my puter froze, and it was gonedy! Can you imagine how loudly i was cursing??? It was a layout that turned out exactly the way that i meant it to too and that doesnt happen very often so boy was i hoppin. Do ps users have that problem as well?..or maybe it is not even a dip problem but a computer problem since those seem to follow me around so much. Anyways, after that layout went to pot, i tried scrapping a layout of Victoria on the day of her dance rehersal --which i just tried to upload to my blog and it wont let me.....darn computer!!!- but did you ever have photos that you think are so great, but yet you have a difficult time scrapping them? seems that the more i love a photo the more difficult it is to scrap. Maybe im scared i will just ruin it, and not quite do it justice, but let me tell ya it is a pain in the arse to have a bunch of your favorite photos just sitting there cuz you dont know what to do with them!!
Has anybody seen that new Freestylin book out there?...I just bought that as well as the book from autumn leaves....I didnt want to get them...well, i mean of course i did want to get them but i really didnt want to order them and have them shipped over the border. Being in Canada makes getting all those kewl things just sooo much harder and more expensive. Sigh. Ah well, i'm really excited to get them and can't wait! I bought a few of Kathy's clean and simple 1 and 2 as well. The dh is going to bug when he sees the visa billl, hehehe...but when i lost my paypal, I was so disappointed to realize that I couldnt shop that when i found a store that took Visa i just had to assert my online shopping skills, hehehehehe. I wonder how long it takes for those books to ship? I am very impatient!
well im off to be a mom for a few hours...brooke is starting to grumble in her crib, and Victoria wants to go shopping to buy her dad something special!

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