Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Holy cow!! i can't believe the storm we had here yesterday!!! it lasted for about 3 hours, but there was hail bangin on the windows, everything in the backyard was tossed and thrown, kids stuff broken, it was just crazy. the rain hitting the ground sounded like a warzone! Crazy!!!! So, first off...noooooo i am not playing hooky again today, lol....due to a doc's appt. for my dad im just getting a very late start!!
Last night i started reading the Davinci Code. I know i'm probably the last person left on the planet who hasnt read it, but i want to go see the movie and the book i've been told is sooo much better, so i didnt want to spoil my reading by seeing the movie first...seems to be a good one so far and i keep trying to imagine Tom Hanks playing the star character as i go, hehehehe.


Big Brother All Stars start this Wednesday!!! I know that the fact that i love that show somehow diminishes my IQ im sure but i am soooo addicted and can't wait to see who is chosen ......cuz we get to choose!!!!....to be on the show this year! I await with baited breath!!!
I'm still playing with my blog, and I'm not quite happy with the look of my header since i just kinda threw it together to see if i would even be able to make one at all....so tonite if i'm not too beat after Canadian Idol (Jess's favorite show and he likes me to watch it with him ) then that is exactly what I am going to do!!
I will probably change it like a zillion times just for the heck of it til i get bored with playing, lol!!
Well i should get my butt off to work now!! Will be back later for some more gab!!

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