well, Canadian Idol pulled a double header tonite, but i just couldnt sit thru it twice....love the show but i prefer it when it gets down to the top 20 or less. So, since my dear sister said she was going to pop a look at my blog today, i thought i would show her what her niece looks like this very day since she hasnt seen her in awhile. Brooke is getting so huge, and i have totally been dwelling on that fact lately...and repeatedly, lol. I need a pause button. She is also standing beside the gate that jess finally got up...sort of....you can't tell but just where the photo cuts off is where the gate stops, hehe. He still needs to put the top on. Maybe he will get it done this weekend.
could happen, lol.
Gettin more excited bout Big Brother....You better watch it this year Dawne!!!!!!!
Didnt get much work done today, my dad didnt get back from his doctors appt. til late. He has to go back in for more tests cuz the ones he got back hinted at diabetes.
eeeekkk!!! let's hope that is not the case! So being at home i of course ignored the tonnes upon tonnes of work I had to do and worked on my portion of the Mega kit for Rakscraps....wayyy much more fun than work, and i have to admit im totally loving creating my own kits!! Who knew it was going to be so much fun??
And is anybody else getting crazy curious as to who the new Studio Girls are gonna be?? We know who 2 are, but i'm still waitting and waiting!!! only a few more weeks til we find out!! Im glad to see that Anna Aspens is going to be one of them! She is definitely one of my top 3 scrapping heros!! Sooooo talented and i can't wait to see some of her new stuff over there!!
We went outside to see how much damage that spur of the moment storm caused, and besides breaking poor Brookes Disney patio set we were all good!! I snapped some pics of Brooke looking out the window, just as the storm was starting to roll in, before it got tooo bad.
She was sooo enthralled! .......and i would show you but for some reason blogspot is once again not lettingme upload!!! arrrgggghhh!!
sigh, im sure it is not the blog but the user, lol!! still havent quite figured out the system yet!!
well jess just went to bed so i am going to scrap!!! (and i will try to upload those photos in another draft!
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