Tuesday, October 31, 2006

halloween at my house!

First off, i have to say that i just switched over to the new blogger.....has anybody else?...i was so frustrated at trying to upload my photos that i finally did it....and they all uploaded in less than 10 seconds. So far so good blogger!!!!
Second thing i have to say, is that i am finally going to get serious about learning to use a camera......and not just digital photo touch ups, lol!! And to celebrate I had to go and get myself a new camera!!!! So check it out!

I have been needing to get a new one for work, so this was killing two birds with one stone. I was looking at getting the 30d, but this had a higher pixel, and as we do alot of enlargements for advertising, i thought for now this was a better way to go.....especially cuz im still learning. But i am sooo stoked! and even Jess was getting involved in trying to learn. For a minute, lol, but it was a start!

So last night we carved our pumpkins! This is Victoria, being as serious as she ever is when she is "creating" anything!

And this is little brooke. She took forever to actually stick her hands in the pumpkin, and kept calling it ewwwwwww!!! goooey! And then just like last year she tried to clean her pumpkin back up and put the seeds and goo back inside as we were taking it out. Victoria finally convinced her to "goo" was just like playdough, and then she said "oh it is?" and then jumped in two fisted, lol! Way to go Victoria!!!

Jess and i spent extra time this year carving out the pumpkins and tried to get creative! I made a spider (darn hard to do those spider legs i tell you),, and he made a devil face. I was pretty impressed with the two of us, as normally we botch them. Victoria's is theone in the middle.....she wouldnt say what she was making, and i didnt want to ask in case i was already supposed to know, lol

And then of course, tonite was halloween nite!!! Victoria wanted to be scary, not pretty this year.....and brooke liked that idea too. Which was too bad, cuz i had gotten her the cutest snow white costume...which i made her dress up into anyways at least for pics, lol...and now it is in her "tickle trunk"
But i have to say she was an awesome witch! I got some awesome photos for layouts! and she had fun, cold as it was. She gave hugs to those that gave her candy....ran everywhere....and tried to spook people as she passed them. Waayyyy cute!!

And this is Victoria as a mummy! I wasnt able to get very many great photos of her, as Brooke was done up first and was very impatient and wouldnt give me time to snap her. And by the time we got home, she was already unraveling, lol!.....but before we left, she really did look awesome! her hair was everywhere and she kept up her role all the way through the nite--she loves to throw herself into the part!

So the girls had a fun nite...and the parents got cold. I guess that's the way it is supposed to be, lol! End of the month already, sigh. This one went by fast!!! Here is hopin November is a good one!!

On a side note....we are back to needing another 3-4 employees....no longer 2-3. That bites the big one!!!!

Hope everybody had a nice halloween!!!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

my blogger hates me

well here i am with photos to share, but my blogger hates me! will not let me upload and if i could i would kick it.
however i can't, so i will just wish really really hard that it will stop this uncalled for dislike of me and be my friend.
soooooooo...lots of new stuff here with me. Busy as usual. We finally hired 2 new girls, and i was really thinking at least one of them were going to be ok. I am still keeping my fingers crossed, but i am not hearing good things from the other employees.
Am i jinxed I ask you?? Am i destined to always never have enought people to work with me??
Im going to start looking under every rock that i can to find me some great people!!!! it WILL HAPPEN!!
So guess what happened? some of you already know but sheesh.
A few months ago, i posted about a crazed rampant deer that came rushing thru a busy city and straight into my store window smashing it to bits.
Yup....a deer. In the middle of a city. And of course it was my window, lol
Now, about a month later we were sitting ever so nicely looking at our nicely repaired window when what happened? some crazed lady drove thru my window smashing it to bits.

soooooooooo....wanna know what happened last week??? A crazed man, jumped thru my window that was repaired none to long ago while trying to see if we had anything that would look better sitting at his place.
I just shake my head and laugh. Really. What else are you going to do? The window gods are fated against me. It was suggested that i invest in a brick wall or steel encasing and forget windows altogether. Not lookin like such a bad idea, lol.

Jess made it back from his hunting trip.
figured he would.
He had arranged to send me flowers and a present 3 times while he was gone. All of the girls at work thought he was sooooo sweet.
but i knew the truth.
He was trying to bribe me. He knew that he would be coming back........did he really want to come back to a crazed woman who had been stuck with a crazy schedule and 2 children and everything else he left on my shoulders and deal with her?
He wanted to come to a girl that had been bribed with flowers and thougthful presents and sweet cards.
guilt presents is what they were.
But dont you worry girls!!!! I did not fall for it! not one little bit! And now he knows that i can't be bribed. Of course i did make sure he knows that i still like presents. I am not that silly.
Well tomorrow is Friday, so im very happy about that!...lots of pumpkin carving to do this weekend and if we are lucky we will get lots of pumpkin hunting pics!!! yeahhhh for the wkend!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving All!

okay..so it has been forever and a day since i have blogged...but i have been B-u-S-y!!! Jess went away on his hunting trip and left me with everything in the world to take care of work wise and i have been just swamped!! Not gonna dwell on that, but suffice it to say that i am very disappointed in my man right now, and if he brings home his rifle i just may use it. But i'm not bitter or anything. Just cuz everybody gets to go away on vacation except for me doesnt make me bitter. Just cuz when i plan a vacation, and then something breaks at work that makes me have to cancel it doesnt make me bitter. Just cuz i cancel it and they dont......really...no bitterness at all. Just ask anybody. Not to mention that this is thanksgiving here in Canada and believe it or not that is Victoria's favorite holiday because it involves spending time with family. But just cuz he aint here to share it...really..im ok with that. Im soooo not one of those girls that hold a grudge or anything. really. :)

Anyways....cuz it was thanksgiving here, i made dinner for just me and my girls and we had fun just the 3 of us. I made my first turkey...and it wasnt burnt...and i dont think it was raw...and is it really cheating if it came from Butterball???? The girls ate it and they are still kickin so i think i did all right!, hehehe.

Brooke who is two, had her first dentist appointment. A bit young i know..but she is having problems in her one molar so i thought the dentist could take a peek. Ever since Victoria lost 4 teeth in 2 weeks, Brooke has been going around telling and showing everybody her loose tooth. hehehehehe. sooo cute. So I actually thought it would be no problem at all for her to open up her mouth and say awwwwww.
duh me.
Here she is showing Dr. Machina her loose tooth. Doesnt she look happy?.....lasted for all of 2 minutes, hehe.

And here she is two minutes later. That was the last of that, lol. but the doctor did say that she did have a cavity, and that she will need to ahve it looked at by a childrens dentist.

Now that just gives me the heebie jeebies cuz for the childrens dentist to look at it, they have to give her something to make her go to sleep before hand. I ahve neve been put under myself, and i really dont feel comfortable letting that happen to Brooke either. I know I am probably way being weird about it...lots of kids have to go under, but it just makes me nervous. :( my poor baby.

So I have made a new challenge for myself. A few weeks ago i got photoshop cs2. I have to tell you that me being a dip girl....i opened it...hit a few buttons...looked at it...and then closed it again really quick. Then i happily went back to my dip. :) But then, i was over on my hero :) Denise Docherty's blog and saw a demonstration of a photo done with one of her kits, the altered photo kit, which is about the only kit of hers i have not bought, because it had a tut in photoshop and i dont use that. Sooooo....it was late..and I was shopping on line cuz i was bored and the dh went hunting and left me here by myself so i bought it..as well as her get organized kit which i dont know how i missed that coming out earlier.....and i gave the kit and tut a try.

Now....keep in mind...to say I know NOTHING about photoshop would not be an exaggeration...lol...and i grabbed a photo that looked like it might be wing worthy....considering that i have hundreds of photos on my hard drive...i grabbed the very first one i saw, cuz it was just practice and me checkin it out, but overall I dont think i did all that badly!
Here is the original photo...i had to get rid of victoria and our dog lolly in the background...and if i was really thinking i would have spent the time finding another photo cuz this one didnt really leave me any room for a halo, lol.

And here is the after....see what i mean about the halo? hehehe....ok..so there were some mistakes...but hey...What the heck is a mask??, lol...i had never used one before...and brushes in a non png form???? never never never, lol! I caught a few errors after i was done on inspection, but i have to thank denise for showing me that photoshop aint all bad!...And i think i will catch on quickly...once i figure out all the stuff i DONT know and dont realize exists in this program :)

So other than that, nothing new going on....still working a zillion hours and have got about 12 more interviews lined up this week...so who knows???..maybe this is the week we find some good ones! wish me luck!!!!!!