okay, so it is Monday morning. Can i tell ya how much i hate the beginning of a new week?? Especially cuz the weekend just seemed to fly by and i didnt really get anything accomplished. Sigh. So it is just past 9:00 and already I have had 2 phone calls from 2 different girls at work with problems they are having with clients or showing up on time. What a way to start the week!! But I'm sitting here with my Tim Hortons (canadians know this is the best coffee alive) and am hoping to feel better after a few huge gulpfuls!
K, plans for the day...pay bills for work that haven't been paid (definite necessity), finish up some of the advertising that i let slack last week, and come up with a new radio slogan. Check in on the new girls training, and pull together some mia paperwork that will be needed for gst.
BLECH! Sounds totally unfun!! Then i will get some scrapping in (hopefully) and hopefully get some tidying up done around the house in between popping into rakscraps!
Here is the photo that wouldn't upload for me yesterday 
Didn't she look beautiful? this was from the nite of her actual recital....we did get some photos of her at the rehearsal by an actual photographer, but I didnt realize we were supposed to fancy them all up for a dress rehearsal so tho they looked good, this was what would have looked better. So after her dance was done, i took about 100 photos in our living room, and then i cropped out the awful living room background and shined her up and it turned out pretty good i think! I was pretty proud of myself too cuz i did her hair, and had never done an updo before! (patting myself on my back)
(okay..just received yet another problem phone call from work...sigh, gonna be one of those weeks!!)
I got a dvd in the mail today...i dont remember ordering it and i know i definitely didnt pay for it from something called digital innovator.com. Anybody ever heard of it? Am wondering why they are sending me free stuff, lol. I spose i will check it out later tonite unless i go to the chat at sbb....which i kind of am hoping to do. I bought some new mags yesterday, from Legacy (love that one!!), Scrapbook Answers, and Simple Scrapbooks. The dh never made one comment about the price of them either, lol....am breaking him in slowly!! It has only taken 2 years, hehehe.
K, my coffee is almost done, gonna go get a home brewed batch now (yuck) . Will be back to babble later!