We got a Horse!! not a Puppy!
So the nice man Frank whom we bought our puppy from sent us some more photos and said that we can go and pick her up on August 2nd. The girls are very excited. Me...I'm getting worried, lol. When we went up to Marineland a few weeks ago we stopped into see her....and i was sneezing and had watery eyes for the next 4 hours. I totally had forgotten that I might actually be allergic the puppy. I never used to have animal allergies..they just kind of popped up all of a sudden...and only sometimes, with some animals. Weird. So now everybody is looking at me expecting me to say we are not going to get her. Im so gonna sterilize this place to high heaven, the kids and jess are so excited, there is no way i can tell them no now. But what worries me even more is the size of her!!!!
We only saw her 2 wks ago and she has already doubled in size and doesnt even look like the same puppy anymore!!!!! In the back of my head i just assumed she would be a nice medium size dog but now this little heffer is starting to make me nervous, lol!! I think she is part horse!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me that I am not allergic, and if anybody has some name suggestions for a female puppy I would love to hear them!!!
Jess wants to call her Lucy....... short for Princess Lucy-Furr. get it, lol? He thinks he is very witty, hehe. We are also kicking around the name Molly, and Brooke has decided that she should be name Lollipop. Or Hi.
Everytime we ask her what she wants to name the puppy she says "hiiiiii". Or she says Lollipuppy. hehehe.
I spose we could call her heidi or Lolli for short if it comes down to it.
Princess Luci-furr. ROFL That is too cute! Regradless of the name you choose, she is beautiful!
Adorable. Oh no I hope you don't get allergies because you're right, now that the girls are looking forward to her...no going back! LOL. She is precious and one thing is for sure, there will be a lot of sweet memories with their puppy, lucy-furr, hi, lullipup (very cute) or whatever her name ends up being. How fun.
Awwwwwwwwww!!!!! That little puppy is sooooooo cute!
As for allergies, ask your vet about some drops you can put in her food. We used to have cats, and we just put a couple of drops of a very mild sedative in their food (due to DH's allergies). It wasn't enough to make them sleep or anything, but a side effect of the drops is less dander/shedding. It worked well and DH eventually built up an immunity to them. I don't know if it works as well with dogs, but you could at least investigate it.
Good luck!
What an adorable puppy! Love it. Very cute! I wish we can also get a puppy before the year end but I don't think hubby will be happy about it since he's the one who cleaned the yard and giving them a bath...lol.
what another gorgeous addition to your family....both sides are so lucky!
I like the name Lucy :-)
Im allergic to dogs... really bad. :(
I was never allergic though until I got older. Strange huh...
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