I Bought It!!
So i did it!!! I purchased a new photo printer on thursday! yeahhh for me!! I was told that it would be in the store yesterday, but the purolator man was late of course so now i have to wait til monday probably. :(
I chose the Epson stylus R1800. It turns out that it DOES print out at 12 by 12...so after that it was an easy choice. I definitely noticed that Epson seems to rock when it comes to the hardware for digital scrapbookers. (cept for cameras of course). So as i was scrolling through all the kewl things the epson website had to offer I started looking at some scanners. Now i do have a scanner already, but i have soooooooo many photos with no negatives to be found anywhere, from my mom's stash...things dating back from when cameras were first invented, lol....that when scanned in even at the hightest dpi still come out extremely bad. Next to starting scrapbooks for my family this was the main reason i started scrapping....to put these to layo
uts print etc. but have never done it due to the bad images i get through scanning. Sooo....to make a long story short I bought a wicked kewl scanner too!! It is a V750 from the Epson Perfection Series and has all kinds of kewl new gadgets etc. I spoke with the dealer located by us and he explained all about digital ice technology, and dual action lens and after doing my own homework decided that even though it was kind of expensive would definitely be worth it!! Even for the photos that i do have negatives for, with the cost of printing photos these days by the time they were all printed out I probably would have spent wayyyy more than what the scanner costs...since it scans negatives too. There is a wait of 3 wks at least on that one tho but im really excited to get started on all my heritage albums that i have beeen waiting to do!!!
I was all excited to see Big Brother tonite!! GOOOOOO KAYSAR!!!! sooooo happy that he won hoh! Otherwise Janelle wouldn't be around very much longer i dont think. And has anybody noticed how weird Howie is being this season????? I will just leave that comment at that, lol!! Anyways just found out that it isn't going to be on til tomorrow :( Very sad. I hate waiting, hehe.
Not much else going on around here...The guys are STILL working on the wall....supposedly, lol. I dont hear any banging going on, but i spose i should give them the benefit of the doubt, hehe.
Here is my latest layout....something wayyyyy different for me. I wouldnt really know what you call it since it was me just playing, and then i picked up my wacom tablet and started doodling....I do that alot but normally I don't keep the layout, but Victoria thought this one was "way kewl mom", lol...so i figured why not.I used Rak sponsor's Theresa Hernandesz' bg paper from her Mother and daughter Tea set...those weird squiggle doodles and stuff are me and my playtime, lol. k....im all yipped out for now....be back to gab later....and not that is not a threat, hehe.
That printer is the one I have, and it rocks I tell ya! And that layout, wozer Jane!! Too cool!
Now I need a new printer too!!! I'm so jealous! How is the print quality on the 12x12???? Great LO too!
Congrats on the printer Jane! Enjoy it!
Love that layout...of course, I always love your layouts! LOL
OMG I loveeeeee this layout! hahahaha....too cute!!! And I love your new purchase!!! Jealous jealous am I!!!
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