Saturday, July 22, 2006

Saturday griping!..beware!

happy saturday afternoon to all!!! I am sittin outside in the sunshine with a vodka cooler in one hand, and my laptop on my patio table enjoyin the nice summer day!! :) It is sure warm out but today is the first day when there is actually a nice breeze!! We (I) spent the morning cleaning the house top to bottom since we are having a few friends over for a bbq. Just a couple employees from my fave centre and their hubbies. Should be fun! The dh(jess) forgot to grab the pinacolada mix when he was out so I made him go out and get more, lol. He wasnt impressed! But i dont care cuz you know what he did to me??????? Well im going to tell you!!
Last nite he worked late setting up puters at one of the centres...we are getting all computerized and it is a time consuming pain!! 11:00 i told him to start driving the half hour was late enough...he said ok. TWO hours later i call him and he says he is sitting on the side of the road waiting for caa cuz he ran out of gas. Im like, ok, that bites..but thanks for callin to let me know (sarcasm there). Sooo...i wait around for another 2 hours and call him answer...and again...but no answer. I start to go a bit daft.....i drive all over the place looking for him...and then again this morning....cuz he still wasnt home at 10 am. FINALLY!!! at 11:30 he calls me as im driving down the road looking for him...and he tells me that he was sooo tired that he pulled over into a little cubby and fell asleep in his car.

I am still wanting to kick him so hard that i will knock him into next freaking thursday!!!!!! Tell me you wouldnt do the same! But i am keeping it to a minimum until our guests leave....and then look out!! A phone call sure would have been nice dont ya think???
K, im done griping for now...guests should be here any minute so I will be back to yip later


Anonymous said...

Oh I would have freaked out to!! How scary!! Kick him hard, LOL! JK!!

Gina said...

Jane I would have been livid! I totally agree with you. Keep us posted on the fall out! : )

Unknown said...

Oh man Jane! Why are men SO horrible about communicating??? Argh! Kick him to next Tuesday!!

(Hmmm...I think that's the second time I've told you to kick your DH...I'm really NOT a violent person...)