Wednesday, July 19, 2006

humpday banter

good early afternoon all!! first off i have to tell all of you to go HERE . I was directed there earlier on a thread over at Raks and thought it was totally kewl how some people do the quirkiest things and get such awesome results!! Be sure and check it out! It is pretty funny and interesting!
I am getting soooo frustrated at work i just can't tell ya!! i need some good staff! So...if you live in the Windsor area in Canada and are looking for work, please reply, lol!!! what, ya think im joking????? even if you wanted to move to the windsor area and want to have a job waiting....please reply.....did ya hear that Tracy B?????????

Wanted to point everybody to the layout design challenge DebsAngels23 is hosting over at Raks....the theme this month is repetition....and the prize is one i made so of course you have to go check it out, lol. Here is the LINK and here is the prize i made for it

I still kind of suck at the whole preview thing, but here it is such as it is. :). (and for those of you who forgot the date....remember that the megakit giveaway has started!!)

I have spent the morning trying to come up with an anniversary ad layout for work. I used to love doing the ads for work but i have to admit i wish the designers at the actual newspapers would start doing there job. Getting really over it.....having to do ads for about 9 or 10 newspapers a week ...because i HAVE to is not as much fun as doing it because i WANT to. And the proofing process makes me think that all their heads are filled with cheerios. okay...enough griping...for now, lol. I have started using my brand spankin new printer and i have to say i loooovvvee it!!! Not just cuz it prints out so fab, but me being so impatient the fact that it does it in no time flat gives me a real happy!!! I am going to have to play with the settings some cuz what printed out the first tiem didnt look anythiing like what was on my puter screen....then we fixed it and it got way better...but im sure i can improve on that some too. It comes with a software to "match" your computer screen. So once i have that set up it will automatically detect the image on my screen and print out as seen. Neat huh?? Course that means i have to read the directions and i hate that so the dh and i made a deal. He reads the computer screen for me, and i make him a logo that he can have lasered into these knives that he is making. Need a name too.....we have come up with some crazy arse names for these blades of his let me tell you....gave us giggles into the wee hours. The most boring one is BT Blades. Pretty dull huh? That was his choice...mine were much more colorful! :)

DID ANYBODY WATCH BIG BROTHER LAST NITE????? Can i tell you how much i want to kick Kaysar the big scaredy cat right in the arse???? What kind of nominatiions were those he put out???? for somebody as smart as he seemed to be, that certainly didnt make alot of sense to me. I was so ooooo hoping that Erika would use that darn Veto and take one of those girls off and then see Boogie nominated...or jase...I kind of like will cuz he makes me laugh so i want to keep him around for a bit. Tomorrows eviction nite...then we will see, and unless one of season 6 win hoh, one of them will be going home i think. sadness. hope it is kaysar, since i like janelle and am even starting to like James again. K, done for now...have a happy wednesday all!!


Unknown said...

LOL at the One Red Paperclip guy Jane! DH and I watched him on TV the other night (I think it was 20/20). What a great story. Now, why couldn't I have been the one to think of doing something like that??

Hmmm...if I lived just a wee bit closer to you, I'd come work in your store! Keep me in mind for when you open a store in Toledo. :-)

Tracy Blankenship said...

I loved his blog too, janey.I still want to work for youuuuuuu!

Gina said...

Going to check out rakscraps! Gorgeous LO Jane!

Gina said...

Oh coolio - you added my link to your sidebar. Now I'm gonna add yours -- I've been so behind on updating mine. Thanks for the kick in the "arse" as you say. (:

Anonymous said...

Jane!! I so dont want to go to work tonite! I need another job! When are you opening a store in PA??????????? Please!!!! *L*