Saturday, July 22, 2006

Saturday griping!..beware!

happy saturday afternoon to all!!! I am sittin outside in the sunshine with a vodka cooler in one hand, and my laptop on my patio table enjoyin the nice summer day!! :) It is sure warm out but today is the first day when there is actually a nice breeze!! We (I) spent the morning cleaning the house top to bottom since we are having a few friends over for a bbq. Just a couple employees from my fave centre and their hubbies. Should be fun! The dh(jess) forgot to grab the pinacolada mix when he was out so I made him go out and get more, lol. He wasnt impressed! But i dont care cuz you know what he did to me??????? Well im going to tell you!!
Last nite he worked late setting up puters at one of the centres...we are getting all computerized and it is a time consuming pain!! 11:00 i told him to start driving the half hour was late enough...he said ok. TWO hours later i call him and he says he is sitting on the side of the road waiting for caa cuz he ran out of gas. Im like, ok, that bites..but thanks for callin to let me know (sarcasm there). Sooo...i wait around for another 2 hours and call him answer...and again...but no answer. I start to go a bit daft.....i drive all over the place looking for him...and then again this morning....cuz he still wasnt home at 10 am. FINALLY!!! at 11:30 he calls me as im driving down the road looking for him...and he tells me that he was sooo tired that he pulled over into a little cubby and fell asleep in his car.

I am still wanting to kick him so hard that i will knock him into next freaking thursday!!!!!! Tell me you wouldnt do the same! But i am keeping it to a minimum until our guests leave....and then look out!! A phone call sure would have been nice dont ya think???
K, im done griping for now...guests should be here any minute so I will be back to yip later

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

humpday banter

good early afternoon all!! first off i have to tell all of you to go HERE . I was directed there earlier on a thread over at Raks and thought it was totally kewl how some people do the quirkiest things and get such awesome results!! Be sure and check it out! It is pretty funny and interesting!
I am getting soooo frustrated at work i just can't tell ya!! i need some good staff! So...if you live in the Windsor area in Canada and are looking for work, please reply, lol!!! what, ya think im joking????? even if you wanted to move to the windsor area and want to have a job waiting....please reply.....did ya hear that Tracy B?????????

Wanted to point everybody to the layout design challenge DebsAngels23 is hosting over at Raks....the theme this month is repetition....and the prize is one i made so of course you have to go check it out, lol. Here is the LINK and here is the prize i made for it

I still kind of suck at the whole preview thing, but here it is such as it is. :). (and for those of you who forgot the date....remember that the megakit giveaway has started!!)

I have spent the morning trying to come up with an anniversary ad layout for work. I used to love doing the ads for work but i have to admit i wish the designers at the actual newspapers would start doing there job. Getting really over it.....having to do ads for about 9 or 10 newspapers a week ...because i HAVE to is not as much fun as doing it because i WANT to. And the proofing process makes me think that all their heads are filled with cheerios. okay...enough griping...for now, lol. I have started using my brand spankin new printer and i have to say i loooovvvee it!!! Not just cuz it prints out so fab, but me being so impatient the fact that it does it in no time flat gives me a real happy!!! I am going to have to play with the settings some cuz what printed out the first tiem didnt look anythiing like what was on my puter screen....then we fixed it and it got way better...but im sure i can improve on that some too. It comes with a software to "match" your computer screen. So once i have that set up it will automatically detect the image on my screen and print out as seen. Neat huh?? Course that means i have to read the directions and i hate that so the dh and i made a deal. He reads the computer screen for me, and i make him a logo that he can have lasered into these knives that he is making. Need a name too.....we have come up with some crazy arse names for these blades of his let me tell you....gave us giggles into the wee hours. The most boring one is BT Blades. Pretty dull huh? That was his choice...mine were much more colorful! :)

DID ANYBODY WATCH BIG BROTHER LAST NITE????? Can i tell you how much i want to kick Kaysar the big scaredy cat right in the arse???? What kind of nominatiions were those he put out???? for somebody as smart as he seemed to be, that certainly didnt make alot of sense to me. I was so ooooo hoping that Erika would use that darn Veto and take one of those girls off and then see Boogie nominated...or jase...I kind of like will cuz he makes me laugh so i want to keep him around for a bit. Tomorrows eviction nite...then we will see, and unless one of season 6 win hoh, one of them will be going home i think. sadness. hope it is kaysar, since i like janelle and am even starting to like James again. K, done for now...have a happy wednesday all!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

We got a Horse!! not a Puppy!

So the nice man Frank whom we bought our puppy from sent us some more photos and said that we can go and pick her up on August 2nd. The girls are very excited. Me...I'm getting worried, lol. When we went up to Marineland a few weeks ago we stopped into see her....and i was sneezing and had watery eyes for the next 4 hours. I totally had forgotten that I might actually be allergic the puppy. I never used to have animal allergies..they just kind of popped up all of a sudden...and only sometimes, with some animals. Weird. So now everybody is looking at me expecting me to say we are not going to get her. Im so gonna sterilize this place to high heaven, the kids and jess are so excited, there is no way i can tell them no now. But what worries me even more is the size of her!!!!
We only saw her 2 wks ago and she has already doubled in size and doesnt even look like the same puppy anymore!!!!! In the back of my head i just assumed she would be a nice medium size dog but now this little heffer is starting to make me nervous, lol!! I think she is part horse!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me that I am not allergic, and if anybody has some name suggestions for a female puppy I would love to hear them!!!
Jess wants to call her Lucy....... short for Princess Lucy-Furr. get it, lol? He thinks he is very witty, hehe. We are also kicking around the name Molly, and Brooke has decided that she should be name Lollipop. Or Hi.
Everytime we ask her what she wants to name the puppy she says "hiiiiii". Or she says Lollipuppy. hehehe.
I spose we could call her heidi or Lolli for short if it comes down to it.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I Bought It!!

So i did it!!! I purchased a new photo printer on thursday! yeahhh for me!! I was told that it would be in the store yesterday, but the purolator man was late of course so now i have to wait til monday probably. :(
I chose the Epson stylus R1800. It turns out that it DOES print out at 12 by after that it was an easy choice. I definitely noticed that Epson seems to rock when it comes to the hardware for digital scrapbookers. (cept for cameras of course). So as i was scrolling through all the kewl things the epson website had to offer I started looking at some scanners. Now i do have a scanner already, but i have soooooooo many photos with no negatives to be found anywhere, from my mom's stash...things dating back from when cameras were first invented, lol....that when scanned in even at the hightest dpi still come out extremely bad. Next to starting scrapbooks for my family this was the main reason i started put these to layo

uts print etc. but have never done it due to the bad images i get through scanning. make a long story short I bought a wicked kewl scanner too!!
It is a V750 from the Epson Perfection Series and has all kinds of kewl new gadgets etc. I spoke with the dealer located by us and he explained all about digital ice technology, and dual action lens and after doing my own homework decided that even though it was kind of expensive would definitely be worth it!! Even for the photos that i do have negatives for, with the cost of printing photos these days by the time they were all printed out I probably would have spent wayyyy more than what the scanner costs...since it scans negatives too. There is a wait of 3 wks at least on that one tho but im really excited to get started on all my heritage albums that i have beeen waiting to do!!!
I was all excited to see Big Brother tonite!! GOOOOOO KAYSAR!!!! sooooo happy that he won hoh! Otherwise Janelle wouldn't be around very much longer i dont think. And has anybody noticed how weird Howie is being this season????? I will just leave that comment at that, lol!! Anyways just found out that it isn't going to be on til tomorrow :( Very sad. I hate waiting, hehe.
Not much else going on around here...The guys are STILL working on the wall....supposedly, lol. I dont hear any banging going on, but i spose i should give them the benefit of the doubt, hehe.
Here is my latest layout....something wayyyyy different for me. I wouldnt really know what you call it since it was me just playing, and then i picked up my wacom tablet and started doodling....I do that alot but normally I don't keep the layout, but Victoria thought this one was "way kewl mom", i figured why not.

I used Rak sponsor's Theresa Hernandesz' bg paper from her Mother and daughter Tea set...those weird squiggle doodles and stuff are me and my playtime, lol. all yipped out for back to gab later....and not that is not a threat, hehe.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Advice Really wanted!!!!! Pleasssee!!

So i finally started to unpack some more boxes from the move.....i know, bout time, lol. Im no where near to being all unpacked, lol....but at least i restarted workin on it! Anyways, i unpacked some photos of ours, and was totally disappointed! They had already started to fade and turn yellow!! :( I had printed them out on Epson glossy photo paper, and I thought that that was known for being good...and i had used a canon i know it wasnt the ulitimate in canon printers but i was under the impression that it was a pretty good one. So now I am in the market and trying to buy top of the line. I have never bothered to try to find top of the line however so don't know if im in the right direction or not. I figured since i do alot of 12by 12 layouts that i would find one that prints that size, and so far, these are the ones i have come up with.

Obviously one is an epson...and tho this one does not print at 12 by 12 it has 8 inkcartridges, two of them being red and blue, and one being a glossy finish. This was recommended to me by a client who is a professional photographer and it is the one she uses. The other one is a does print at 12 by 12...actually prints 13 by 19. It too has the individual ink cartidges, but no glossy finish.
There was also a hewitt packard i was looking at that printed out 13 by 19 had eight inkcartridges, 2 being red and green.
So really I am confused! How do you know which is the best one???? Are they all the same? One uses more dots to print...the other puts more ink in its dots, and the other uses an overlapping dot of some kind.
Since this is something i would use and depend on all the time, i dont mind spending the extra money on the right one, but i just cant figure it out, and all these sales people are driving me absolutley nutty....not a far hike for me to begin with, me different stories!!!! So pleassseeee!!!! opinions are so wanted!! What is everybody's most desired printer if it were to land on their doorstep tomorrow??? and what kind of paper would be the ultimate?? Any and all comments are sooooo welcome, lol!!

Other than that....most of my girls at work are back from vacation....but 4 of them went home sick today.
sigh. sigh.......sigh......heavy sigh.
Got some sponsor layouts done...under the wire, lol yesterday, Uploaded my version for the megakit at raks to the this tho seeming simple is a hugggeee feat for me!! Just ask poor KimJ who has walked me, talked me and chastised me through it each month since i started on the creative team, lol! Talk about a helpful patient lady!!! love you kimj!! Those servers just confuse the heck out of me! But i did it for the first time this month with little hassle....except i almost forgot to do it, hehehehe. Never said i was the brightest bunny in the hutch!
And does anybody know why this darn blogger will only let me upload photos some of the time?? there a trick to it? Are you only allowed to upload 2 and no more? I have seen some with a zillion in one post, and me if im lucky I can upload one. Once again advice is welcome. wink, wink! ;)
I went shopping today at the new and improved Scrapbook graphics, and totally cleaned out Anna Aspens and a bit of doris' stock. Cuz you know why?? I got my paypal back up and running!!!!!!!! Yeahhhhhh for me!!!
but shhhhh! don't tell jess, lol!! well that and i just love their stuff!!! The whole group of girls they have over there just rocks!! Carrie Stephens too!! all my favorites all in one spot!! All they need is a spot for the ever so talented Denise Docherty and I would be in absolute heaven and my charge card would be shot!
K, nuff babbling to pull a 10 hour day tomorrow so i should head to bed....well check out my new kits, pop into a few of my fave blogs....and then head to bed, lol!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

just catch up

been a little bit since ive been bloggin...well, actually i had put a blog up the other day...i thought, but it turned out that I saved it as draft instead, lol. Since all that info is days old, and really not all that interesting, i decided to just let it lie.So has anybody been watching Big Brother??? I just got done, and i have to say, that i am really hating Alison this year. I had thought she was funny the first time she was on but she is just driving me batty right now! Go Janelle go!!! I totally think Janelle is going to be the one to go in the next week or so....such a target on her back!Works kept me pretty steady the last week or so. The new girl is training ok....real nice girl but still a little young i think. Hopefully she will come along beautifully :)Jess is out taking a test to get his hunting license.....everybody say BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I so hate the whole hunting thing and being the kind of person I am :) am giving him a totally hard time about going away to hunt on what will be thanksgiving wkend!!But hey! Get this! we actually got most of the downstairs wall up!!! You know..the one they started only about a month and a half ago?? Can you believe it??? Still got to be finished, but there is drywall and everything!!! I am way excited! Quicker than i gave them credit for. Way to go guys!!!Soooo, i got bored yesterday...quite late at night..and there was nothing for me to do. Until I looked over at my sweet little 10 year old who should have been in bed already and decided that her hair was such a mess, she definitely needed a trim. So i got my scissors, sat her down, and pretended I was a hairdresser who knew all the kewl tricks of the trade. Well it turns out, hairdressing is soooooo not my calling, and she got a little more than a trim. I couldnt stop laughing and Jess thought it was hysterical, but i couldnt get those darn scissors to do what they were supposed to!! Victoria, to say the least was not very happy with mommy.

she was really not a happy camper, hehehe...but i do think her hair looks alot better than it did!! She will get over it and love me again soon, i know! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

CAN YOU BELIEVE MY LUCK?? get this. Does anybody remember a month ago when a the busiest citiest part of my happening town of windsor..went running through the window of my business?? Well i get a phone call today, and this is a car that ran through the exact same window in the exact same place. Can you believe that? I am just shaking my head, thinking that this has to be the most unlucky centre in the whole world, lol! I have 5 other centres that dont give me as much hassle as this one little window. sigh. what can you do?? I guess i will just make me a layout about the trouble with deer and automobiles, hehehe.
Another busy day today at work. Havent had time to do any scrapping :( . I now know that it is work that sucks my creative juices out of me and can't wait til Jess is able to take over for me!! (hehehehe...wonder what he's gonna think about that when i tell him, lol!!)
K, I have to finish some advertising but i just had to let you know about my crazy window issues.

oooo...and dont forget!!!!BIG BROTHER STARTS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


This week has been just crazy!! all kinds of things keeping me busy!!! Im workin 10 or 11 hour days, and training a new girl here at one of the centres. Spur of the moment on Friday at around 10:00, crazy people that jess and i are we decided to drive the 4 hours to Niagara Falls, and Marine land to celebrate my oldest daughter Victoria getting 7 A's in school on her report card! yeahhhhh Victoria! The most she has ever had has been 3 up til now. Great way to end things at what is now her old school! thank god too, cuz Jess was going crazy having to drive her the hour to school every day. Made us wish we had switched her in the middle of the year to a new school closer to the new house! Soooo.... we had a good time at niagara, but as a tip to others....never ever ever go down there over the long wkend!! Really not a very good idea.
We also got to see our new puppy!! she is turning into a real heffer. and is only 3 wks old. One more month til we get to bring her home. We have been trying to think of a name, but are completley stuck. I guess we actually need 3 names for her Jess wants to name her Princess Lucy-Furr. .......get it?, lol
He is so warped, but now he has got Victoria wanting to name her that too, lol!!
Well im at work right now, so should probably get back to that...just taking a breather! Can't wait til everybody is back from vacation!! May be bloggin tonite with some fun photos if i dont get home too late! :)