So i finally started to unpack some more boxes from the move.....i know, bout time, lol. Im no where near to being all unpacked, lol....but at least i restarted workin on it! Anyways, i unpacked some photos of ours, and was totally disappointed! They had already started to fade and turn yellow!! :( I had printed them out on Epson glossy photo paper, and I thought that that was known for being good...and i had used a canon i know it wasnt the ulitimate in canon printers but i was under the impression that it was a pretty good one. So now I am in the market and trying to buy top of the line. I have never bothered to try to find top of the line however so don't know if im in the right direction or not. I figured since i do alot of 12by 12 layouts that i would find one that prints that size, and so far, these are the ones i have come up with.

Obviously one is an epson...and tho this one does not print at 12 by 12 it has 8 inkcartridges, two of them being red and blue, and one being a glossy finish. This was recommended to me by a client who is a professional photographer and it is the one she uses. The other one is a does print at 12 by 12...actually prints 13 by 19. It too has the individual ink cartidges, but no glossy finish.
There was also a hewitt packard i was looking at that printed out 13 by 19 had eight inkcartridges, 2 being red and green.
So really I am confused! How do you know which is the best one???? Are they all the same? One uses more dots to print...the other puts more ink in its dots, and the other uses an overlapping dot of some kind.
Since this is something i would use and depend on all the time, i dont mind spending the extra money on the right one, but i just cant figure it out, and all these sales people are driving me absolutley nutty....not a far hike for me to begin with, me different stories!!!! So pleassseeee!!!! opinions are so wanted!! What is everybody's most desired printer if it were to land on their doorstep tomorrow??? and what kind of paper would be the ultimate?? Any and all comments are sooooo welcome, lol!!
Other than that....most of my girls at work are back from vacation....but 4 of them went home sick today.
sigh. sigh.......sigh......heavy sigh.
Got some sponsor layouts done...under the wire, lol yesterday, Uploaded my version for the megakit at raks to the this tho seeming simple is a hugggeee feat for me!! Just ask poor KimJ who has walked me, talked me and chastised me through it each month since i started on the creative team, lol! Talk about a helpful patient lady!!! love you kimj!! Those servers just confuse the heck out of me! But i did it for the first time this month with little hassle....except i almost forgot to do it, hehehehe. Never said i was the brightest bunny in the hutch!
And does anybody know why this darn blogger will only let me upload photos some of the time?? there a trick to it? Are you only allowed to upload 2 and no more? I have seen some with a zillion in one post, and me if im lucky I can upload one. Once again advice is welcome. wink, wink! ;)
I went shopping today at the new and improved Scrapbook graphics, and totally cleaned out Anna Aspens and a bit of doris' stock. Cuz you know why?? I got my paypal back up and running!!!!!!!! Yeahhhhhh for me!!!
but shhhhh! don't tell jess, lol!! well that and i just love their stuff!!! The whole group of girls they have over there just rocks!! Carrie Stephens too!! all my favorites all in one spot!! All they need is a spot for the ever so talented Denise Docherty and I would be in absolute heaven and my charge card would be shot!
K, nuff babbling to pull a 10 hour day tomorrow so i should head to bed....well check out my new kits, pop into a few of my fave blogs....and then head to bed, lol!!