I did the dh too...i ran him thru some "any" matches. That means male and female and it comes up with the closest matches. He matched 3 women. I put me through the "all" as well, and this is what i got. whew!! was nervous to see what men i would have "looked" like, lol!
Well that is all for me tonite...just a short post. Spent the wkend either doing ppr work, or doing nothing, lol..well i did play with cs2 a bit....still trying to figure it out! But i dont want to kick it as much as usual, and have done 2 actual layouts with it so far!...cant upload them tho cuz they are to go in the Rakscraps November newsletter i believe, so i have to wait. Other than that, don't forget to pop on over to Rakscraps.com. We are all Rakabrating like crazy fools celebrating our 2nd anniversary!! Lots of challenges, and about 200 prizes from some pretty awesome sponsors! Should be quite the hoot! I am even going to host my first chat on Friday nite! Should be a loud mess, lol!
O...and i have to share......Brooke noticed that her baby bottom has a baby bottom crack this week, lol. Now she is coming up to me every day all day telling me "momma, my bum is broken. Will you fix it?"
hehehehe, kids are awesome!...tata for now!
Yes you DO!! That is amazing. I totally see how each one of them has some features you have. Very cool. I'm gonna copy you and post that too, K?
See, I've always thought you looked just like Michelle Phieffer, LOL!!
Roflol about the bum thing ;)!
I did that thing and I think my closet match was Lisa Kudrow, followed by Courtney Cox... lol, funny how they look nothing alike, and definatley look NOTHING like me!
Before I noticed the blog I totally thought you look like Michelle Phieffer. I think its your eyes mostly.
Kids do say the best things hey!
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