finally! a layout!
Well it just seems like forever since i have done a layout just for me. With being busy at work, and sponsor layouts, and then the switch to cs2, which is taking me a little bit to get used to let me tell ya, i have had no time what so ever to just sit back and relax and make a layout just because i was in the mood. So heavy sigh,,,,i finally got a minute, hehehe. These layer modes, and masks i tell ya are something else! The difference between cs2 and dip is amazing! I just wish i knew everything that i NEEDED to know in cs NOW!! I am so impatient, lol!! But here is my first real layout done with this program. Still trying to figure out the different blendy styles.One of the reasons im totally stoke about cs is actually for the photo touch up capability. I was able to do a whole lot in dip, but cs just totally blows it away!! This next layout was done a few weeks ago, and I started it by picking the most terrible photo of me i could find, lol. Not too hard at all since the only time jess grabs the camera is when im too sleepy to do so and am still in my comfy cozy clothes, hair not brushed etc. cuz it is a lazy day. I wanted to see just what was possible with my limited knowledge in cs to repair. Jess had snapped my photo looking into the bathroom mirror while i was getting ready for work a few weeks earlier, and the mirror was completley covered in spots. (my 2 year old brooke likes to flick her toothbrush, hehehe) We hadnt washed the mirror in about 3 wks, and there were so many spots i couldnt even tell you, lol . (i told u before i am a terrible house cleaner). Anyways, my face was blotchy, and since this photo was actually my reflection in the mirror, the spots were all over my face. I literally had to recreate my eye, and do sooooooo many other touchups i can't even list them all. By the time i was done, after all that work, i just had to do something with the photo, so I made my zoolander layout. Jess had also been making fun of my makeup face while he was snapping my photo, hehehehe. It is just a simple one, but the photo corrections are what i am really proud of. Im driving people crazy talking about everything that i am trying to learn in this program, lol. And since none of them scrap, or have any photo sofware, they just look at me like i have some crazy obsession and shake their heads. hehehehe.
Let's see...what else has been happening??. I hosted my first chat at rakscraps on friday. Way different being a hostess let me tell you. Almost never made it cuz Bell had shut off my internet due to an error on their end, and even tho they promised me that it would be back up in an hour or so, it was an hour before the chat that it came back on. I was ready to run down to one of my centres to borrow their computer for the nite. Bell is not my friend this week, let me tell you.
Why can't they ever get the darn bill right?...and when you call to talk to them..why do they keep passing you along to 5 other people where you have to retell your story each and every time right from the beginning???
Ihad a meeting at work, this wkend where i had to go over everything that had been slacking and where we want to improve etc. uggghh. I really hate those. And i had to take one of the employees aside that i really like, and lay down the law with her. It was really terrible for me!! I felt awful and it has stuck with me all week giving me an ugly feeling. I know it all needed to be said, and i was as nice as possible, but i just hate being that person. All the employees think im such a STRONG boss, and that i dont take anything from anybody. But if they knew how terrible i felt after every not good conversation, or how much i dread confrontations of any kind i think their mouths would hit the floor. I guess that is the way it is supposed to be tho. it is still icky!
I also finished my december prize tonite..way ahead of schedule!! yeahhh me! All my sponsor layouts were done for november!!! and i got all my november kits in on time too! What a Roll i am on, hehehhee!!!! whooo hooo! No whip from KimJ this month, hehehe!!
Been taking care of jess all day today cuz he is not feeling well. :( poor big baby, lol! grown men that get sick are funny. But, there he is yelling for me now, so i have to run.
tata for now, be back soon!
OMG! Those Layouts are just STUNNING!!! You are doing such amazing stuff with PS, and this is just the start! Can't wait to see what else you come up with.
You look awesome in that one of you too, just beautiful, lol, even with your Zoolander face ;)...
Sounds like you are the perfect boss too... strong when it counts but still have that human touch too, I'm sure that they love you for it :)
WOW, those layouts are GORGEOUS! Congrats on the upgrade to CS2, I just love it, but it's all I've ever had, so it's all I know, lol.
Absolutely gorgeous layouts! I love your style.
I totally know what you mean about being impatient to learn everything right away, I feel the same way about scrapping in general, lol.
Gorgeous photos of you too, wow on the photo touch ups too.
Miss Jane, we need to talk. I upgraded to the new blogger but now hello won't let me add more layouts. I've got some that are SURE to give you a giggle. Please help me miss jane... after all the upgrade WAS your idea :-)
Hugs and love, December
WOW the photo touch up stuff looks awesome! You should post the original so we can see all the work you put in.
I LOVE all the stuff PS is capable of. Especially with image touch up etc. And man you aer so fast at picking it up. You are soooo talented. Why aren't you famous yet?
Poor Jess - I hope he feels better soon. Your layouts are amazing as always Jane!! You're getting the hang of cs2 - just a tad.
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