just poppin on to say a quick how do to everybody. I have been such a bad blogger lately! shame on me!
well...another wkend bites the dust...leaving me begging the weekend gods...please oh please! just one more day!!!!!! but nope! denied again!
My week was pretty busy and I was soooo glad when the wkend came...I spent saturday catching up on work til my dad popped over to see the girls. He had just got back from his trip to Ireland visiting his family and he when i told him that Brooke had been missing him, he of course came right over, lol! And when Brooke saw him she ran to him and gave him huge hugs and said "yeahhh...im not crying anymore! papa's home now i'm happy!"
now if that aint a way to a papa's heart i just dont know what is!!
Tomorrow is Jess' bday! Since we are going to be having another insane week of course, we celebrated it today. Jesse's idea of celebrating his birthday is to have me cook. (which i hardly ever do, lol). And it is always the same bday meal. Breaded porkchops and scalloped potatoes. The only problem with that is that i'm no good at cooking anything in oil.....and never once have i been able to make scalloped potatoes properly. Martha stewart has nothing to fear from me! But he eats them happily anyways, lol. Tomorrow when we get home we will have cake....mainly for brooke, ...she keeps thinking that if there is a bday....then 'where is MY cake??'.
On a totally other topic...has anybody not read or seen the davinci code yet? well...if you like puzzles of anykind, or just want to boggle your mind so you can go to sleep...did you know that there are a zillion clues on that books hardcover that leads you in a chase all around the internet to find clues and drive you crazy???? I spent the last 2 hours with jess on the computer trying to solve those darn riddles. I guess there originally was a prize of a trip to paris for the first winner...but us not knowing that spent forever trying to figure it out...and you really need your thinking cap on too...thinking there would be something kewl at the end.
but nope.
just a congratulations way to go...sorry the contest is over. lol...i had no idea it was a contest...i just thought the end would be something neat. Anyways, it is a time killer, and a bit of fun trying to figure it out if anybody is ever bored. It is kind of interesting the amount of time they must have put into it as the clues lead you through the book...the cover...the web.....but then i am a geek for logic puzzles.
okay...im off now. Lots of ads for me to make tomorrow! :)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
another manic monday. this one was soooo dreary, i really had a hard time starting off the week! And it wasn't just me...everybody was like that today. I hate those grey weather days!
So we had the health and wellness expo this wkend. Not a huge turn out but we got a good response and alot of inquiries so it was definitely worth the while. would have prefered nicer saturday weather tho. can't control those darn skies no matter how much i try!
Had a bit of a scary moment on sunday. Jess has been having some difficulty with his ears being plugged lately and we have had to put drops in his ears most nights. Well, sunday morning he woke up and he literally couldn't hear anything. I was standing right in front of his face not an inch a way and he still couldnt hear me. He was pretty freaked out, and brooke was trying to talk to him, and i dont think i have ever seen him look so helpless. He went to the hospital, and the doctor did soemthing to him, which hurt alot, but at least it cleaned him out so he could hear again. We have to continue with these special drops, but hopefully it will clear up soon. He was pretty spooked, and he hates to admit when he is feeling like that. poor baby!!
I worked today and then i had to rush and go to Victorias school for meet the teacher nite. I have to admit, i was not overly impressed with the teacher herself. Kind of stand offish, and mildly rude if you ask me. I'm hoping we just caught her on a bad night, but she wasnt overly talkative except to tell me that my daughter victoria was.....talkative. Well that i already knew, but really. Is that really one of the first things you say to a parent when you first meet them? I live with her for goodness sake. You think i don't know she talks alot??? I got a gabber! I know it. But a hello nice to meet you would have been nice. Or even a smile.
Anyways...here are a few of my sponsor layouts. Nothing too fancy, but i was trying to stay pretty simple, due to time and jess saying i make my layouts too...toooo....something he says, lol.
So this is my darling brooke enjoying the sleep of angels :) I used Doris Castles' Pure Love kit found at Scrapbookgraphics. That doris really is talented! always has such a unique style. I have so many of her kits, but for some reason, i buy them, but never make the time to use them. I think i will make an album with just her kits, as she is pretty versatile!
This is a layout of one of my fave photos i took of Victoria on her 10th bday. Aint she pretty?? So hard to remember her as a little girl. This one i kept simple too, but also because i just really wanted the picture to stand out clear and loud! I have scrapped this photo a few times in a few different styles....and i will again in a few more different styles, lol. Here i used Ms. Tracy Blankenships Daddy's got the blues kit! I love Tracy! and was glad to be able to use her kit! I would have posted these earlier but i had to wait til the Raks newsletter came out....hoped you nabbed it! if not, you can check it out at raks!
Well, jess brought home some new kind of funky chocolate ice cream bar tonite that i have never seen before...so i must go give it a nibble before i head to bed. Nite all!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
All right everybody!!! It is here and it looks awesome this month!! The Raks mega kit is out and links one and two are up!!!! Each link will only be available for approximately two days so make sure you rush over and grab it!! I'm link one!! and here is my contribution to this months Friendship themed kit
THis is my favorite mini kit that i have done so far. So i hope that you all hop over to rakscraps.com and grab it!!!!!
So today is Saturday and i am sitting at work right now looking outside at this extremely cloudy icky day. After im done here I have to go to a health and wellness expo that we are involved in for work down by the detroit river and take my shift. Sigh. I wasnt supposed to be involved in this expo at all and really liked it that way, lol. But got roped in anyways!
Nothing really new is going on here...worked 12 hour shifts at work all week, went home and crashed after spending the 2 minutes i have when i get home with the girls before their bedtime. :( Brooke has beeen having nightmares lately and is waking up everynite and She won't let anybody but me put her to bed anymore. I am hoping that it is not because of my schedule and it is just a phase that she is going thru. I dread to think that it would be effecting her so much.
I watched the first Survivor this season. I know they were trying something new this time, but it looks like they are dealing with the same stuff as always so it doesnt look like their racial division is really going to effect the swing of things anymore than usual.
And yeahhhhhh!!!!! for lucas on supernova!!!! he won lead singer! He really did rock and totally deserved it! so i was glad!!! (how bout you tania???? you glad to??)
I watched, i dont know if it was the season opening or the season finale last from last year of Ghost Whisperer. I have to tell you i am really beginning to get into that show!! Havent been a big tv show goer much over the last year or so, but this season looks pretty good so i mite have to move my laptop to a desk downstairs in front of my tv, lol!!
K, gotta actually go do workstuff now. Hope everybody has a rockin Saturday!!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
darn! wkends over!
well! that weekend sure went quick! it has been so long since i have blogged i think my fingers forget how to type! Hectic hectic round here lately. short version is...workwise, crazy as ever! but our one new girl dina is just fabulous! so much energy and enthusiasm she really makes my day seem so much better! hopefully she is someone we can rely on. We are still looking for 2 more with very little prospects. :( I'm keepin hope alive tho!!!
Victoria had her first day of school! Grade 5!!!!! She is getting so old i just dont think i can take it!!! She is really loving her new school and already i have noticed the difference in their procedures from her old one, so i am loving this school tooo!! She has made friends she says and so far has no complaints! which is huge for her!
I did a little shopping this wkend thinking that i deserved it, and bought some new mags, some new albums and a couple misc. items i didnt really need. I even bought jess a book...by a comedian who he just loves Ron White. He is definitely pretty funny and jess was downstairs laughing for over an hour. I dont know how he reads, but if you ever get the chance to see this guy on tv or in person you definitely should! He has a great delivery and gives me a giggle.
I hopped over to denise's new store today (Designer Digitals if you didnt know she moved from sbe) and bought her fabulous new kit and quick page!! i was so excited as i do most of my online shopping in the morning and at her new store it was all up and ready to go and i didnt have to wait til nite time to see if she had any new stuff. Yes, i know. Small things make me happy, lol. Anyways, thanks Denise!!! the new kit rocks!!!
I got some of my sponsor layouts done today...the first layouts i have done in 2 months!!! im going crazy!! I can't upload yet cuz they were for the newsletter at raks, but i will upload them in a few days.
hmmmmm......what else?? Jess is still planning on going hunting in a few weeks with his dad. A real bone of contention with us right now, one, cuz i dont want him to be gone over the holidays(thanksgiving here in canada), but i could get over that cuz he doesnt see his dad much. But reason number 2 is that WHAT ABOUT ME????? Am i to be left running our stores that are understaffed and totally needing attention right now 24/7 all by myself? It seems that i have made plans, and then due to work, have had to cancel. But never anybody else. Im feeling mighty upset about it right now, but when i try to tell him that im feeling overwhelmed by all that will have to be done, with work and the kids....i mean there really couldnt be a worse time right now with the way the centres are....all he thinks is that im trying to manipulate him out of going cuz i didnt want him to go in the first place. arrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh!!!! men
ok...venting done.
on to new topics. Is anybody else as disappointed as me with the turnabout on Big Brother All Stars???? I am a big will and janelle fan, but i got up and yelled hoorahhh!! when she kicked him out...cuz he did deserve it after all. But now that she got the boot and that Erika of all people are in the final 2 i wanna pull my hair out. She is driving me up a wall. I had the live feeds, and i cancelled them when i heard her talking about how she had been responsible for everyones eviction...not chilltown. I mean really! I would have cancelled it anyways cuz i was just trying it out, and who wants to watch her and boogie for 4 days by themselves???? not me. But that just made me make a point of it. I just really dont like her. Sigh. The life and disappointments of a reality tv buff, lol!!
I think that is all that is new....im sure i missed a bunch of stuff. Was going to upload some awesome photos i took , (subject awesome...not awesome photography, lol), but jess is yelling at me to help him carry something heavy. will try to tomorrow!!
tata for now!!!!