Hey all!!...no i have not fallen into a ditch somewhere, I have just been soooo busy!! I couldnt possibly catch up on everything all in one post....so i will start simple :)
Gettin the work stuff out of the way...I am down to needing only 3 more girls!! yeahhhhh!, and most of the girls i've been training are turning out wonderfully! (knock on wood). I had to make a few changes with them at the centres, which caused major upheavel, but it is so far all turning out for the best!thank goodness, lol! I had a work conference in Banff Alberta last month...it is soooo beautiful out there! I took sooo many photos...some of which iwill upload in a different post. Even tho it was a work event, jess and i managed to sneak away when ever we could and get some quality time in. We get so little of it, it was nice to even have a day or two.
Annnnnddddd.......my really big news, which i have as of yet only told a very few people is that jess popped the question! Down on bended knee and everything!
This is the beautiful ring he gave me. He told me that he dreamt that we got married and this is what the ring looked like. He then went and had a jeweller create it for him. Pink is my favorite color and so he added two pink saphires on either side to represent both our girls Victoria and Brooke.
Aint he sweet? It was a total surprise!! And it took him alot of courage too, cuz since i met him i have told him steadily that getting married wasnt something i felt i really needed to do. Truth is im terrified to actually walk down the aisle, but even tho we have had our problems together, I really dont think i will ever find another person who will ever blend together with me more than him. So..of course i said yes, lol! He wants to have a wedding as soon as possible, but I think we should wait til next year. We will see who wins, hehe.
More good news for me, though not nearly as life changing is that I got published!!!
Twice!! I was really excited! and in two of my fave magazines!...well Simple Scrapbooks is my fave magazine, but the digital scrapbook magazine is new..so that cant really be my fave yet now can it?, lol
and then again in an australian magazine called For Keeps. I really love this one cuz it is one of my favorite photos of Victoria.
Well, it's getting late, and i have more interviews again tomorrow so now that i have shared my good news, Im off to bed. I only just got my computer back yesterday, after it was left in jess' car and taken off to the mechanics from the car accident he got himself into. Wont even go into details on that, but he is fine and it is good that he has a hard head. So below are two layouts i made in the last few days trying to grab back some creativity. I didnt have any kits on hand to use, so i just played around to see what i could come up with myself.
This one is of Victoria. Some of my fave pics taken on her 10th bday last year. Her 11th bday is on monday. This year just flew by!! And now she is double ones!! eekk!!
This is my Brooke of course. Was tryin to use alot of whitespace here....largely in part to not having any kits, lol!!
Well tata for now! ill be back soon!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
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WOW your layouts are wonderful Jane!!!! And Congrats on the engagement! Woo hoo! Another one bites the dust - heehee! Keep up the great work I think Janey got her Groove back!!
Okay, amazing!!
Firstly, so excited you're back.
Your blog looks amazing.
Love the banner.
Huge congratulation on the engagement!
The ring is stunning.What a guy. What a keeper. Well, obviously you'll be keeping him now what with the marriage and all!
And huge congrats on the publishing!! You totally deserve it. Your talent is amazing!!
Good to have you back online girlie!
Now stay this time!! : )
OMG!!! Congrats on the engagement!!! The ring is GORGEOUS! And congrats on the pubs too, they are beautiful :)
Wow, so much good news! :D
So glad things are going well with work.
Congrats on the engagement! The ring is beautiful!
Woo hoo for getting published! I saw the DS one - fabulous!
Gorgeous, stunning, perfect layouts!! You really make me wonder why anyone even bothers with kits. LOL
Yay!! so good to see you back :D!!
I was just flicking through the SS digi mag and saw your LO and just had to rush over and say it's STUNNING!!!!! I can't get over it! And yay you're in forkeeps too! I'm going to have to rush out and get a copy now :).
So happy for you on the marriage front too!! I might happen over here one day ;)... like you I really don't feel the need for it lol.... 12 years isn't that long is it?!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the layouts Jane.. your work is totally inspiring!! So keep the posts up pleeeaaasse.. lol, no pressure here though.. good luck with work too ok...
Congratulations! Wow!
Gorgeous ring!
Love the new banner, absolutely awesome, and your layouts are stunning as usual!
OMG Congrats on being published in 2 magazines! But the biggest shock - O M G Congrats hon and that ring is gor-geous! Tell Jess he's got excellent taste!! I am so glad you said yes, and you're right, neither of you will ever find another who understands you like the two of you do :).
I miss you girl!
Guess what else? You've been tagged! Go to my blog (http://kimsmithdesigns.blogspot.com/) for details!
Sneaky, huh?
OMG I am soooooo very happy for you! Big hugs,
Congratulations on your engagement and on being published twice! Love the ring and the layouts!
Hey Jane, you're not back yet... hope all is going well with you, can't wait to see some more of those layouts!!
(sing with me) Oh where, oh where has that Janey girl gone? Oh where, oh where can she be? With he nose cut short and her hair cut long, oh where, oh where can she be?
Miss ya darlin'! Hope everything's going well!!
Now have you fallen into a ditch?
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