Sunday, November 19, 2006

playstation 3

okay!! so everybody has heard of the craze about the playstation?? well, do you know that that dh of mine is right on the top of list of crazies that succumbed to commercialism!
Do you know what he did?? After waiting for hours outside a mall, (which i told him he was a lunatic to do) he got cheated out of a playstation 3 by a couple of police officers. Feeling rightfully annoyed, you think he would come home and just be miserable about it. Nope! he comes home and then goes downstairs to his puter and speends too much money and buys one on ebay.
Now...we have spent sooo much money on our business', and then buying a new house, and all the fix ups that are needed, going into christmas this is probably not such a good idea.
So, i told him we are going to have to get rid of it. A bit much right now for a game system for us i thought if we are going to have a good holiday...and we stil have to get our roof fixed.
So..relatively miserable, he has agreed to the idea that the ps3 is going straight back to the ebay auction, or anybody he knows that will buy it for what he did.
Did it end there???
of course not, lol!
Sooooo, last night, he calls me from standing outside another building. And what is he doing?? Waiting overnite for the Nintendo Wii to come out.
Now, I am not a total shrew, so, i said, hon, if you want to wait outside AGAIN for a system you may or may not get, you go right ahead. Im going to snuggle up with my warm pillow and blankets, and watch some tv before i hit the sack.
You see, we have nintendo game cube...and a zillion games that are not going to go to waste with a Wii system, and it is half the price. So, okay...i thought Victoria really would like one of those for xmas, so no prob.
Did we really need TWO! OF THEM???? that's right people!! that plum loco crazy man bought 2 darn game systems. WHY??? i ask you! what comes over men?? Is it the whole competition thing?..of getting there first?
So, in summary, we now have 1 playstation 3, and not 1 but 2 nintendo Wii's. And only becuz somebody somewhere said, that everybody should want them, but nobody should be able to get them.
Well, then. sigh. Does anybody want one???, hehehehehhe. Anybody else have some crazy husband or son that is going crazy trying to get their hands on one?? C'mon!, mine can't be the only lunatic one, lol!
k, that is my rant for the nite! Other than that, i am sooo on top of the ball!! I got my December mega kit done soooo ahead of time! whooo hoooo kimj! did you hear that?? im totally psyched, cuz this next month will be killer. 2 christmas parties, another girl gave her notice at work to move up and work for our corporate office ( i have any employees left???) and all the stuff that didnt get completed this wkend due to game fever!
but will try to stop in here in a day or sure i will have another game system by then i will need to let off steam over, lol!

Friday, November 17, 2006

quick postin tonite, but i wanted to pop in before headin off to bed! and post some layouts too!! I did a few sponsor layouts for the rakscraps newsletter...which is really awesome this month i thought! (more so than usual ;) And now that it has been pop over and get it!! i can share my pics!! this first one is using the collaborative kit over at My Brooke running along the water the first time she ever went to the beach! i have sooo many great pics from that day!

This one was for a joke on the dh, lol. He hates when i do layouts of him (or used to hate....he is used to it now i think and protests out of habit, hehe)...and he is always worried which photo is going to end up online, lol. And to tell the truth...I am EXTREMELY snap happy right now, and the poor guy is handling it pretty well! I used Rachel Dickensons Dare kit found at too!
This next one is using Correen Silke from Silkescraps kit. I really really loved this photo of brooke!! but the photo was sooo blurry and pixely it required an awful lot of work! i still see a few touchups to be made, but im pretty happy with how this one turned out. Im going to change the font and the journal placement too. For some reason i always have a hard time deciding where all the journaling goes. Am i the only one??
So....we lost ANOTHER girl at work this week....but we hired a new one too. does that mean that we are breaking even??? sigh. Can't wait til we pull ahead, and dont have to worry anymore! I have a work christmas party coming up but to tell you the truth im thinking of ditching it. really not looking forward to celebrating a holiday with people that arent very "true" ya kwim?
We are throwing one for our employees in a few weeks...but we want to keep it fun and not mandatory. Too many people go to those work things just cuz they feel they have too. We are going to be casual and just have a real good time! no work talk at all!!! yeahhh!!, lol.
On the childrens front, Brooke has been replaced by her evil twin. We miss Brooke. Her twin screams and yells, and kicks. yup. kicks. She jumps up and down on her bed just like those bratty kids do on the tv shows, which you always think no kid of mine would ever do. I dont know where it came from, but sheesh. That girl has a strong will....and we arent going to tell her, but i think it is stronger than mine and jess' put together, lol! I will pray tonite for missing little brooke to come back for a visit!
Starting xmas shopping tomorrow...i dread it!! but im looking forward to getting some new xmas decor for the new house!!! that part will be fun!
ok, im off for now!! tata!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

finally! a layout!

Well it just seems like forever since i have done a layout just for me. With being busy at work, and sponsor layouts, and then the switch to cs2, which is taking me a little bit to get used to let me tell ya, i have had no time what so ever to just sit back and relax and make a layout just because i was in the mood. So heavy sigh,,,,i finally got a minute, hehehe. These layer modes, and masks i tell ya are something else! The difference between cs2 and dip is amazing! I just wish i knew everything that i NEEDED to know in cs NOW!! I am so impatient, lol!! But here is my first real layout done with this program. Still trying to figure out the different blendy styles.

One of the reasons im totally stoke about cs is actually for the photo touch up capability. I was able to do a whole lot in dip, but cs just totally blows it away!! This next layout was done a few weeks ago, and I started it by picking the most terrible photo of me i could find, lol. Not too hard at all since the only time jess grabs the camera is when im too sleepy to do so and am still in my comfy cozy clothes, hair not brushed etc. cuz it is a lazy day. I wanted to see just what was possible with my limited knowledge in cs to repair. Jess had snapped my photo looking into the bathroom mirror while i was getting ready for work a few weeks earlier, and the mirror was completley covered in spots. (my 2 year old brooke likes to flick her toothbrush, hehehe) We hadnt washed the mirror in about 3 wks, and there were so many spots i couldnt even tell you, lol . (i told u before i am a terrible house cleaner). Anyways, my face was blotchy, and since this photo was actually my reflection in the mirror, the spots were all over my face. I literally had to recreate my eye, and do sooooooo many other touchups i can't even list them all. By the time i was done, after all that work, i just had to do something with the photo, so I made my zoolander layout. Jess had also been making fun of my makeup face while he was snapping my photo, hehehehe. It is just a simple one, but the photo corrections are what i am really proud of. Im driving people crazy talking about everything that i am trying to learn in this program, lol. And since none of them scrap, or have any photo sofware, they just look at me like i have some crazy obsession and shake their heads. hehehehe.

Let's see...what else has been happening??. I hosted my first chat at rakscraps on friday. Way different being a hostess let me tell you. Almost never made it cuz Bell had shut off my internet due to an error on their end, and even tho they promised me that it would be back up in an hour or so, it was an hour before the chat that it came back on. I was ready to run down to one of my centres to borrow their computer for the nite. Bell is not my friend this week, let me tell you.
Why can't they ever get the darn bill right?...and when you call to talk to them..why do they keep passing you along to 5 other people where you have to retell your story each and every time right from the beginning???
Ihad a meeting at work, this wkend where i had to go over everything that had been slacking and where we want to improve etc. uggghh. I really hate those. And i had to take one of the employees aside that i really like, and lay down the law with her. It was really terrible for me!! I felt awful and it has stuck with me all week giving me an ugly feeling. I know it all needed to be said, and i was as nice as possible, but i just hate being that person. All the employees think im such a STRONG boss, and that i dont take anything from anybody. But if they knew how terrible i felt after every not good conversation, or how much i dread confrontations of any kind i think their mouths would hit the floor. I guess that is the way it is supposed to be tho. it is still icky!
I also finished my december prize tonite..way ahead of schedule!! yeahhh me! All my sponsor layouts were done for november!!! and i got all my november kits in on time too! What a Roll i am on, hehehhee!!!! whooo hooo! No whip from KimJ this month, hehehe!!
Been taking care of jess all day today cuz he is not feeling well. :( poor big baby, lol! grown men that get sick are funny. But, there he is yelling for me now, so i have to run.
tata for now, be back soon!

Monday, November 06, 2006

have you ever wondered which celebrity you look like?...saw this in the forum by another lady, and thought i would give it a try cuz i was bored......well...actually i tried it twice, hehehe...using two different photos wanting to see if any of the same people came up more than once...and strange enough...4 of them came up both times! And in truth...none of them look anything like me, lol!!!

I did the dh too...i ran him thru some "any" matches. That means male and female and it comes up with the closest matches. He matched 3 women. I put me through the "all" as well, and this is what i got. whew!! was nervous to see what men i would have "looked" like, lol!

Well that is all for me tonite...just a short post. Spent the wkend either doing ppr work, or doing nothing, lol..well i did play with cs2 a bit....still trying to figure it out! But i dont want to kick it as much as usual, and have done 2 actual layouts with it so far!...cant upload them tho cuz they are to go in the Rakscraps November newsletter i believe, so i have to wait. Other than that, don't forget to pop on over to We are all Rakabrating like crazy fools celebrating our 2nd anniversary!! Lots of challenges, and about 200 prizes from some pretty awesome sponsors! Should be quite the hoot! I am even going to host my first chat on Friday nite! Should be a loud mess, lol!

O...and i have to share......Brooke noticed that her baby bottom has a baby bottom crack this week, lol. Now she is coming up to me every day all day telling me "momma, my bum is broken. Will you fix it?"

hehehehe, kids are awesome!...tata for now!