Thursday, October 26, 2006

my blogger hates me

well here i am with photos to share, but my blogger hates me! will not let me upload and if i could i would kick it.
however i can't, so i will just wish really really hard that it will stop this uncalled for dislike of me and be my friend.
soooooooo...lots of new stuff here with me. Busy as usual. We finally hired 2 new girls, and i was really thinking at least one of them were going to be ok. I am still keeping my fingers crossed, but i am not hearing good things from the other employees.
Am i jinxed I ask you?? Am i destined to always never have enought people to work with me??
Im going to start looking under every rock that i can to find me some great people!!!! it WILL HAPPEN!!
So guess what happened? some of you already know but sheesh.
A few months ago, i posted about a crazed rampant deer that came rushing thru a busy city and straight into my store window smashing it to bits.
Yup....a deer. In the middle of a city. And of course it was my window, lol
Now, about a month later we were sitting ever so nicely looking at our nicely repaired window when what happened? some crazed lady drove thru my window smashing it to bits.

soooooooooo....wanna know what happened last week??? A crazed man, jumped thru my window that was repaired none to long ago while trying to see if we had anything that would look better sitting at his place.
I just shake my head and laugh. Really. What else are you going to do? The window gods are fated against me. It was suggested that i invest in a brick wall or steel encasing and forget windows altogether. Not lookin like such a bad idea, lol.

Jess made it back from his hunting trip.
figured he would.
He had arranged to send me flowers and a present 3 times while he was gone. All of the girls at work thought he was sooooo sweet.
but i knew the truth.
He was trying to bribe me. He knew that he would be coming back........did he really want to come back to a crazed woman who had been stuck with a crazy schedule and 2 children and everything else he left on my shoulders and deal with her?
He wanted to come to a girl that had been bribed with flowers and thougthful presents and sweet cards.
guilt presents is what they were.
But dont you worry girls!!!! I did not fall for it! not one little bit! And now he knows that i can't be bribed. Of course i did make sure he knows that i still like presents. I am not that silly.
Well tomorrow is Friday, so im very happy about that!...lots of pumpkin carving to do this weekend and if we are lucky we will get lots of pumpkin hunting pics!!! yeahhhh for the wkend!!


Angela said...

lol, WTG for not giving in to the whole present thing, but loving that you let him know that you do like them ;).... Gee you really do have the worst luck don't you!? That window is just freaky! Hope that the work situation works out, and that you do find the dream people to work for you, I'm sure that it will happen :).
Oh and thanks for the post on my blog, but I don't think that it's mine in creative scrapbooking, though now I'm all curious as to what looks like mine lol ;)
Hope that you have a great weekend :)

Meredith said...

wow! that window situation really is crazy! I think I would install something other than regular glass. And I am glad you didn't fall for the presents. Men are such brats!

Meredith said...

oh! and blogger hates me, too!

Gina said...

Looking forward to the pics Jane! Hey, never know, maybe he does really love you that much and wasn't trying to bribe you? Hey, stranger things have happened! Hope you enjoyed your reunion : )